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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Feb 23, 20222 min read
Vitamin D Deficiency in Canada
We call vitamin D a vitamin, but it acts more like a hormone. It is fat soluble, meaning you must eat it with fat to absorb it. We can...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Feb 21, 20222 min read
Why You Should Start Walking Backward
I've been singing the praises of Ben Patrick (knees over toes guy) for a while now. Knee pain? Go see his stuff. One of my favorite tips...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Feb 4, 20225 min read
Anxious? Your spine and posture may be involved. Here's what the research says.
Most of us can accurately guess someone's mood simply by looking at their posture. Are they upright and extended? They're probably happy,...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Dec 2, 20213 min read
The Way You Breathe Matters (with instructions for improvement)
Are you breathing correctly? Is there a right way to breathe? Chances are no, you are not breathing correctly. And yes, there is a...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Sep 27, 20212 min read
Should You Start Exercising During Pregnancy?
Remember when we were told that you should only continue the same exercise you were doing prior to pregnancy and not start anything new?...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Jun 9, 20213 min read
Are Electrolytes Right for Me?
"I drink a lot of water but I'm still having muscle cramps!" "My muscles are sore no matter how much I stretch." Can you relate to either...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Dec 13, 20207 min read
21 Ways to be More Adaptable in 2021
Because if 2020 taught us anything, it's that you aren't really in control, are you? 1. Understand yourself better through the Enneagram...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Nov 22, 20202 min read
Increasing Productivity with Microbreaks
Have you heard that sitting in the new smoking? Hours spent at a desk in front of a computer is wreaking havoc on our bodies. We all know...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Jan 18, 20203 min read
Spinal curves: what's the point?
Did you know that your spine is supposed to have curves? Three beautiful ones, in fact. The ones in your neck and low back should match....
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
May 11, 20192 min read
Could my arm pain be from my neck?
Over the past few weeks, I've had a surge in patients with arm pain, tingling or numbness in their fingers or weakness in their hand....
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Mar 9, 20193 min read
5 Shortcuts to Health
Shortcut? To health? But, Kristen, you always talk about how there aren't any shortcuts to real health! Hey, you're right. And these are...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Feb 23, 20193 min read
Why I love red meat
When I start digging into my patient's diet, the most common response I get when they mention what they don't eat is red meat. I always...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Jan 26, 20194 min read
What your weight says about you
One of the most common reasons I find that people want to change their diet is because of their weight. They often have this number stuck...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Jan 23, 20192 min read
Animal Protein vs Plant Protein
Just as the names imply, animal protein is protein that comes from animals and plant protein is protein that comes from plants. Protein...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Jan 23, 20193 min read
All about Insulin
Every time you eat, your body releases a cascade of hormones in response. One of them is insulin. It is produced by your pancreas in...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Jan 21, 20192 min read
Can I see a chiropractor if I don't have pain?
I received this question from a former student of mine. This is also something I come across a lot in practice. After asking my patient...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Dec 27, 20185 min read
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Polycystic ovary syndrome, more commonly known as PCOS, may affect upwards of 20% of the female population in the western world. What's...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Dec 17, 20182 min read
#NoExcuses Workouts
My #NoExcuses December workout challenge was such a hit that I decided to turn it into a year long program! Each Wednesday, I'll be...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Aug 21, 20182 min read
Should You Get a Standing Desk?
We've seen the headlines that sitting is the new smoking. I see patients every day with aches and pains that I can confidently attribute...
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Dr. Kristen Mitteness
Jul 13, 20183 min read
Want a strong core? STOP doing sit ups. Do this instead.
When we think of someone as having a strong core, we’ll often visualize 6 pack abs. Unfortunately, the ability to see someone’s rectus...
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